Thursday, April 26, 2012

Like a Warm Rain

She said it was like a warm rain. Today, as the rain falls here in Boise I am reminded of a missionary I once met who described a trip she took to serve in Haiti. She shared with me a story of an incredibly hot summer and a deeply personal experience that felt so intimate it has always resonated inside of me; so intimate and so touching it is what I think about anytime I see or feel the rain..

She described the summer days in Haiti as hot, a hot many of us are not capable of understanding. An unbearable hot, a hot that burns and a hot that created a thirst that no drink of water could quench. It was like an unrelenting sun, a harsh humidity, that left her arms and shoulder reddened and burnt. She told me that at the end of the hottest week she had ever experienced the clouds rolled in and a warm rain poured over the village. She said as the warm rain drenched her she stood there absorbing the warm rain, staring up to the sky smiling. She told me this in a visually descriptive way, as she physically began petting her face; her palms imitating the rain and describing the warm rain as it poured over her hair, down to her burnt shoulders and arms. She said this warm rain was so soothing, so comforting she had never felt the Grace and Love of her Higher power than those moments she stood under that warm warm rain.

She continued to tell me that Love and Grace should feel like a warm rain in the hottest part of summer. We should let it wash over us, drown out our ill feelings of the tribulations we struggle with. She said there was no other way to physically describe that Love over us; it's just like a warm rain quenching every thirst, satisfying every emotional need, soothing the burns of the hot days we face.

No matter what your struggles, what your issues, what your burns are caused from, there is always Love like that; there is always that Love that is ready to be embraced and experienced, a Love that can comfort you, sooth you, and heal the burns caused by any emotional battles or feelings of hate you may have; a Love like a warm rain.

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